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Week 9: Storyboard and demo video

I've decided that the final form will be an experimental video which is a combination of green screen footages and regular footages. The basic concept of the story is that four beak wearers walk in four tunnels (reflecting the 4 sides model of communication), and finally meet at the center "square, looking a little confused and lost. In my former presentations, I found that the 4 sides model is actually essential in explaining why I chose the beak as a symbol, but the crits tend to ask me to go back to explain that part again after I present. That's why I want to build the four tunnels in the video as the architecture both literally and metaphorically.

I edited a video with all the storyboards I drew and synced with the background music: Apply by Glasser. I feel like the lyrics is somehow related to the topic(I interpreted as the struggle and hesitation to let people in), and the high pitch vocal sounds a bit like birds chirping.

p.s. The lyrics of Apply:

If the walls were too thin

You would break in

If the walls were too thin

You would break right in



Out in the thunder

opens my eyes wide

There is something in my mind

keeps me up all night

When the window

lets in hot whips of light

before I feel it's time

to control my mind



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